Refurb Component Kit (16/48K motherboards)

£10.45 kit including the components needed for a standard refurbishment (16/48K motherboards only, rubber key or plus models)


  • 1 x Vishay Axial capacitor set (of 13 capacitors)
  • 1 x ULA heatsink (with adhesive thermal tape)
  • 1 x Panasonic Radial Capacitor 100uf 16v (for composite mod)
  • 2 x Isopropyl Alcohol wipes

Capacitor Set: 7 x 22uf, 3 x 1uf, 2 x 100uf, 1 x 4.7uf. High quality Vishay capacitors that will last for many years. Axial capacitors are the same format as the originals with a wire at each end. They are also a similar blue colouring to the originals to maintain the original look and feel. Suitable for 16K/48K models ONLY (rubber key or plus models), Issue 2 to 6A. Note that due to the differences in the number of capacitors used on different motherboard issues you may have some capacitors left over.
NOT suitable for 128K models (Toastrack, +2, +3)

ULA heatsink: Heatsink for ULA with thermal compound adhesive already fixed and ready to be installed.
Note that on rubber key models you will need to remove the ULA socket from the motherboard and solder the ULA chip directly to the board for the heatsink to be fitted. This is so there is enough clearance between the heatsink and the case.


Case Screw Set Option adds a set of case screws, with 5 brand new compatible self-tappers and with a choice of either short or long screws as required.

DC-DC Mod Option adds the additional components required for the DC-DC mod for Issue 3 and 3B motherboards on the 48K Spectrum. This mod improves reliability in the rectification circuit.

The following components are added to the kit:

  • 2 x BA157 Diode
  • 1 x 1N4148 Diodes
  • 1 x Zener Single Diode, 5 V
  • 1 x Resistor 220R 5%, 0.25W
  • 1 x Resistor 2K2 5%, 0.25W

There are enough capacitors already included in the main kit


A PDF file containing all the motherboard layout diagrams can also be viewed or downloaded from here:
Motherboard layout diagrams PDF

See notes here on performing the DC-DC mod:
DC-DC Mod notes PDF

5 in stock